Egg Drop Challenge - Iteration #1

We got 12 achievements!
Its me!
First off, here are our three sketches.
Our list of outside parts was the robotics ball and perhaps styrofoam. In addition, our materials fit cleanly into a paper box. There was a lot of empty space, as shone in the picture. Our project weighted in the vincinity of 250 grams, below the 300 gram mark.
We hit the bullseye, but our egg exploded. no joke.

It would seem as though the winners used Styrofoam for their project, which stopped the egg from dying. If were to do this again, I would have encased the egg in Styrofoam and then in the ball. Hopefully we could have accuracy and egg survival that way, but who knows.

Glider Challenge!

Here is our final glider design; it took a lot of work and many retries, but in the end it worked really really well!
The challenge here was to, ideally, build a glider that went further faster then any one else's. We could only use balsa wood, tissue paper, and hot glue.

Thus we started brainstorming! Firstly the rules, any idea is good, and constructive criticism is welcome, as well as building off others ideas. First I brought out the Helicopter, but no one seemed partial to that. Then we  breifly considered just making a parachute in the hopes no one else's glider would function correctly. We quickly scrapped that idea. Then we figured a big wing is probably best. Then we thought of adding a second smaller wing, but we were unsure if that would help much. Nevertheless, we went with the second.

Knowing that we had to fry far and long, and we could only work with Balsawod and tissue paper, we got to work solidifying our design.
Final, glorious solution
We built a simple airplane, and it worked out great! Then we found our design in balsa wood (BAE systems had handed them out to robotics clubs), and it worked even better!

After constructing our glider we found that it fell to earth fairly well. We desired that it started to fly and would never land. Thus we decided to change the "crashing" part of our designs. The question was how? se we decided to add weight. It worked great! The added weight kept it in the air for much longer. After adjusting the weight many times, we eventually came upon a sweet spot that made the glider fly very well.

Our glider flew very well, beating everyone easily. Thus I would have changed nothing, our glider preformed better then I thought it would.

Ping Pong Ball Shooter

Here is the launcher. I adjust the distance by changing the launch angle. Bring up the red things to launcher further, lower to launch closer