Ship at sea

We were asked to evaluate a list of objects and rank them by their usefulness when deserted on a raft in the middle of the ocean.

Personal Order:

  1. A floating seat cousin: In case the boat sinks (I figured if you drown nothing else will be of any assistance to you. Also sitting in a raft all day would eventually hurt your behind.)
  2. A shaving mirror: to attract people, to save me (If I can't get help then no amount of food nor water will ultimately save me)
  3. plastic sheeting
  4. Gas
  5. Water
  6. Fishing kit
  7. Army rations
  8. Rum
  9. Mosquito netting
  10. Rope: to use with the net
  11. Sextant, Maps, and radio: All useless without other technology, such as a paddle.

The group that I was with had identical choices, excluding the inclusion of the seat cousin so high up on the list. I figured that drowning is a real hazard, they figured it was a non-issue. Also they tended to move the opaque plastic sheeting as a sun shield, which I found humorous.

Our choices were very similar to those of the experts, although they did rank the seat cushion much lower, which was surprising. Also ranked the oil lower, however heat is one of the most important things to sustain. Personally I'd go with experimental data, that is actually getting trapped on a raft, for experts are frequently incorrect, just less so then a normal person.

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