Flow Charting

I performed a small exercise in flowcharting in order to get used to the process. It was fairly simple, and it reminded me of programming. Due to my inability to use word software (so expensive!) I used OOo, which proved to not have as many features as word.

Initially I was to pick up an object from a bin and weight it three times:

As you can see some programming slipped in there, as I saw no easier way to do it. Hooray for for loops!

Basically pick up the object and weigh it, then place it in the appropriate bin. Very simple.

Next the code was to be modified to weight 10 objects, not only three. Luckily for me, I used a for loop, which proved quite versatile.

Lastly I had to do some random number calculations, which seemed simple enough. Still felt like programming.

1. How is flowcharting similar to using a map to plan a route for a trip? 

Flowcharts are the path you use in order to arrive at your destination, much like what you get from mapquest. However, mapquest doesn't have if statements, making flowcharting have branches while maps are very linear.

2. Describe a process that you perform every day. Develop a flowchart that illustrates the process.

Here I am flowcharting driving/biking to school each morning. It's fairly simple.

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