Input/output lab thinggy

We ran a brief barrage of tests on a set of input/outputs from fisherprice products. Firstly, the switch.

It is a standard switch with two outputs, a NO  and a NC.
three is nornally unchecked and results in a zero when in the testing, with no voltage output.
When using two, it is normally checked and gives a one in the testing window, outputting voltage. thus switching between outputs 2 and three switches the results.

Next came the pot, which has the great values of between 43 and 5000, whilst the NTC resistor records 5000 initially, and 1183 after it gets some heat.

Next came the outputs, where changing the output voltage changes the speed or volume of the product. You can change to CCW from CW on the motor by changing the polarity.

The reed switch is triggered by magnets, thus the addition of an electromagnet will trigger it, switching it from 0 to 1, thus the reed switch is considered normally closed.

The photoresistor and transistor are sonsors that are light sensitive. the photoresistor is closed when there is light, and open when there is darkness. The phototransistor has more resistance when there is more light. You can easily switch the actiopn of this (normal closed vs. noramally open) via programming.

The miniswitch's wiring diagram is simple, line witha circle indicates it moves, and lines indicate lines of power. Thus it is noramlly closed where the line makes a complete circuit, and it is normally open when there is a break in the line.

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